And, let me just refrain myself from hiding an original work under the name of already established, by saying that there is no similarity, but reminiscences. The concept of a figuratively living 'idea' is not so absurd, it is rather a poetic device that the writer-director explores in a visual medium. Unlike the mysterious, dark and trance inducing psychological thriller Capital I, this second feature film by Amartya Bhattacharyya is a celebration of art, dreams, emotions, ideas - all that a creative mind cherishes, in an open and lush green picturesque setting with music that uplifts or tickles playfully. Though strikingly different in many aspects, the two works seem to complement each other. The various shades in the spectrum of work of the maker cannot be understood, only with either. In a place called wonderland, idea is born, we are unsure how it was conceived in the first place, however, we see the idea alive - playing with kids, resting, smiling, but nev...