Seldom does a film make you write about it. The occurrence is even slowing with time, however, the edge of the seat situational drama mastered by Asghar Farhadi in his new venture named 'The Salesman' is a light of hope. Who is the author? "Arthur Miller", he says, of a play called the 'Death of a Salesman' that the protagonist, who is also a teacher for young boys (yes, no girls in the class), is going to perform. There is a possible death of a salesman at the end of the film (not in the play), however, this film is about the teacher who plays the salesman. As confusing it may sound, as intricately it has been woven with a packaging of simplicity. There is nothing for you if you haven't watched the film. The characters' psychosis - He is a helpful person, who could risk his life to save someone in need. Hitchcock's ticking time bomb under the table has been realistically executed with a building on the verge of collapsing but in the...